
Ownership generates responsibility. Now a crucial question is: Does a product design “belong” to the person or the team which brought this creation to life and is a designer responsible for these items? I think so, and furthermore every customer who buys this product also bears responsibility in terms of responsible use, maintenance and achievable lifetime. At the same time through their purchase customers “vote” for certain products in a market environment and strengthen or weaken this particular concept.

Design activities should include a permanent discussion about cultural AND ecological relevance. The design principle “reduction”, a term which is inflationary in design debates, always appears to me in conjunction with responsibility. The search for reduction and the “appropriate scale” in development projects seems to support economic interests and ecological needs. Effectiveness and reduction can be seen as the key to maximise values in use with minimum consumption of financial and natural resources. When you take into account that a reduced product is also easy to control and easy to handle for a customer, the triangle of manufacturer, customer and nature is in a “win-win-win situation”. Sounds a bit too ambitious, you may say, but mitigating ecological collapse through markets and competition would be the fastest route to an effective result because time is running out.



つまりデザイン活動には、消費文化と環境の関係についての永遠の議論が含まれるべきです。デザイン理念としての“削減”、このデザインに関する議論の中で注目されているのテーマは、私には、いつも責任と関連しているように思えます。開発プロジェクトの中で削減とその“適切な規模”を探す行為は、環境への関心と環境保護の必要性を支持しているかのようです。効率と削減は財務資源と自然資源の消費を最小に抑えながら、使用価値を最大にするという手掛かりのように思えます。(材料、部品、そして価格などを)削減された製品が(その後)顧客にとってさらに使いやすく改良された時、製造者、購入者、自然は、三者にとって有益な状態となります。 少し野心的に聞こえるかもしれませんが、市場原理や競争原理によって環境破壊を和らげることは、効率的な成果への最短ルートです。私たちに残された時間は、なくなりつつあります。


Toyota Municipal Museum of Art / Gallery 9

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